Andre Bussing Memorial Prize

Basic data of the distinction

Type of award: Research award or other distinction
Awarded by: European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (EAOHP)
Award given to: Hahn, Verena C.
Date of awarding: 15/04/2012

About the distinction

The role of partners for employees' psychological detachmentfrom work and well-being'.
Link to the press release of the awarding organisation:

About the award

The Award is open to any early career researcher (eight years from completion of PhD or equivalent - at the point of presentation) who feels their work has, or will, make a considerable contribution to the field of occupational health psychology who submits a paper to the EAOHP Conference may apply to be considered for the prize. The candidate must be the lead author and the work primarily his or her own and present at the conference in London.
Type of award: Award for the promotion of early career researchers
Website of the award or committee:
Zeitraum der Vergabe: since 2004