CGO 2020 Graduate Student Research Competition (1st Place)

Basic data of the distinction

Type of award: Best publication award
Awarded by: CGO 2020 SRC Committee
Award given to: Rasch, Ari
Announced at: 26/02/2022
Date of awarding: 26/02/2022

About the distinction

Anlass der Preisverleihung: IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)
Venue of award ceremony: San Diego

About the award

The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) offers a unique forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research before a panel of judges and attendees at CGO. Participants must be undergraduates or graduate students pursuing an academic degree at the time of initial submission. Participants must be current student members of the ACM. The abstracts will be examined by a selection committee and selected abstracts will be invited to present as posters at the conference. SRC poster submissions are, in addition, evaluated by a jury during the poster session at the conference. The best three posters are then invited to give a short presentation (10 minutes + 5 minutes questions) on the next day. Based on the submitted abstract, the poster, and the presentation, the winner of CGO’s Student Research Competition will be selected, who will receive an award. In addition, the winner will be invited to participate in the grand 2020 ACM SRC competition.
Type of award: Other prize for young scientists and scholars
Website of the award or committee:
Zeitraum der Vergabe: since 2003