Fulbright Fellow for 2019-2020

Basic data of the distinction

Type of award: Scholarship
Awarded by: German-American Fulbright Commission
Award given to: Freiling, Isabelle
Announced at: 15/07/2019
Duration of the scholarship: 14/01/2020 - 14/05/2020
Amount of prize money: 6700 EUR

About the distinction

Grant for a 4-months research stay at the University of Wisconsin-Madison at the Department of Life Sciences Communication, from 01/14/2020 to 05/14/2020.
Link zur Pressemitteilung der Universität Münster: https://www.uni-muenster.de/GK-Vertrauen-Kommunikation/en/Nachrichten/2019/isabelle-freiling-erhaelt-begehrtes-fulbright-stipendium.html

About the award

Die Deutsch-Amerikanische Fulbright-Kommission (Fulbright Germany) ermöglicht den akademischen Austausch zwischen den USA und Deutschland. Fulbright Germany vergibt jährlich bis zu 700 Stipendien für Studien-, Forschungs-, Lehr- und Weiterbildungsaufenthalte in den USA und Deutschland und fördert damit aktiv den transatlantischen Dialog.
Type of award: Research fellowship
Website of the award or committee: https://www.fulbright.de/about-us/about-the-fulbright-program/description-of-the-program
Zeitraum der Vergabe: since 1952

Awarded Activities & Results

Awarded projects

Duration: 01/04/2012 - 31/03/2021 | 2nd Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Research Training Group
Type of project: Main DFG-project hosted at University of Münster