Wiley Award of the Meteoritical Society

Basic data of the distinction

Type of award: Best presentation award
Awarded by: The Meteoritical Society
Award given to: Hellmann, Jan
Announced at: 27/07/2018
Date of awarding: 27/07/2018
Amount of prize money: 500

About the distinction

Anlass der Preisverleihung: 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society
Venue of award ceremony: Moskau
Comments & annotations: Jan Hellman (Universität Münster) for the presentation "Thermal and impact history of ordinary chondrite parent bodies inferred from Hf-W chronometry".
Link to the press release of the awarding organisation: https://meteoritical.org/news/2018-wiley-awards

About the award

Since 2012, the Wiley Awards have been given to a few students each year for the top oral presentations at the annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society. The awards are sponsored by Wiley, the publisher of Meteoritics and Planetary Science. The McKay Award Committee has handled the duties of nominating winners as part of the same process used to determine the McKay Award winner.
Type of award: Prize for a conference presentation
Website of the award or committee: https://meteoritical.org/awards/mckay-and-wiley-awards
Zeitraum der Vergabe: since 2012