Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship

Basic data of the distinction

Type of award: Scholarship
Awarded by: Research Executive Agency of the European Committee
Award given to: Barann, Benjamin
Announced at: 15/06/2017
Duration of the scholarship: 15/06/2017 - 15/06/2018

About the distinction

“Propelling Business Process Management by Research and Innovation Staff Exchange” (RISE_BPM): RISE_BPM networks world-leading research institutions and corporate innovators to develop new horizons for Business Process Management (BPM). BPM is a boundary-spanning discipline focused on division and re-integration of day-to-day work in organisations and on analysis of process data for organisational decision-making. Recent break-through innovations in Social Computing, Smart Devices, Real-Time Computing, and Big Data Technology create a strong impetus for propelling BPM into a pervasive corporate topic that enables design of entirely new products and services. All RISE_BPM consortium members possess excellent expertise in distinct aspects of the BPM lifecycle, ranging from Strategy and Modelling to Implementation and Analysis of business processes. RISE_BPM networks this complementary knowledge to create a unique environment for BPM research and innovation. The research activities are organised with reference to the design-science paradigm, including joint activities for analysing technological enablers and societal impact factors, as well as designing innovative IT artefacts for the BPM lifecycle. Staff secondments and joint events promote a cumulative exchange of knowledge in a think-pair-square-share approach that networks large-scale research capabilities and innovation projects carried out by the involved organisations. Key objectives of RISE_BPM are (a) to propel BPM research into the era of Social Computing, Smart Devices, Real-Time Computing, and Big Data Technology; (b) to enable companies to develop new products and services for designing and analysing business processes; and (c) to supply the involved staff with a unique intellectual environment for accumulating boundary-spanning knowledge and skills that refer to the entire BPM lifecycle. RISE_BPM extends the established administrative structures of the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS) by involving additional BPM thought leaders and corporate innovators.

About the award

Die Postdoctoral Fellowships fördern exzellente individuelle Forschungsprojekte von bereits promovierten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern an Einrichtungen innerhalb und außerhalb Europas. Sie unterteilen sich in European Fellowships und Global Fellowships und haben zum Ziel, wissenschaftliche Karrieren durch internationale und gegebenenfalls intersektorale Mobilität zu unterstützen. Dies soll die Forschenden beim Erreichen oder Stärken einer unabhängigen Forschungsposition unterstützen. Die Maßnahme steht nur Forschenden offen, die zum Zeitpunkt der jeweiligen Einreichungsfrist eines Bewerbungsaufrufs bereits promoviert worden sind. Eine Bewerbung steht nur Personen offen, deren Promotion nicht länger als acht Jahre zurückliegt; Ausfallzeiten werden hierbei berücksichtigt.
Type of award: Research fellowship
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