Auszeichnung von „summa-cum-laude“-Doktorarbeiten

Basic data of the distinction

Type of award: Research award or other distinction
Awarded by: Rektorat der Universität Münster
Award given to: Fehrmann, Raphael
Announced at: 06/12/2024
Date of awarding: 06/12/2024

About the distinction

Venue of award ceremony: Münster
Link zur Pressemitteilung der Universität Münster:

About the award

Das Rektorat der Universität Münster zeichnet die besten Doktorinnen und Doktoren des Jahres aus, die das bestmögliche Prädikat „summa cum laude“ und damit das höchste Lob für eine Doktorarbeit erhielten.

Awarded Activities & Results

Awarded doctoral examination procedures

How do pre-service teachers rate their professional digital competence? - An intervention study for the promotion of professional digital competence with a…
Candidate: Fehrmann, Raphael M. Ed. | Supervisors: Professor Dr. Horst Zeinz; Professor Dr. Ferdinand Stebner (UOS) | Reviewers: Professor Dr. Horst Zeinz; Professor Dr. Ferdinand Stebner
Period of time: 01/09/2019 - 10/10/2023
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster