Marie Heidler

Current affiliations

  • Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology Battery Research Center (MEET)


Ulke, Jessica; Heidler, Marie; Hesper, Jakob; Winter, Martin; Wiemers-Meyer, Simon; Nowak, Sascha (2024)
In: Advanced Battery Power Conference, Münster, Germany.
Type of Publication: Poster
Heidler, Marie; Albers, Simon; Winter, Martin; Wiemers-Meyer; Nowak, Sascha (2024)
In: Advanced Battery Power Conference, Münster, Germany.
Type of Publication: Poster
Heidler, Marie; Hesper, Jakob Michael; Zensich, Maximiliano; Winter, Martin; Wiemers-Meyer; Nowak, Sascha (2024)
In: Batteries Event, Lyon, France.
Type of Publication: Poster
Heidler, Marie; Hesper, Jakob Michael; Zensich, Maximiliano; Winter, Martin; Wiemers-Meyer; Nowak, Sascha (2024)
In: The 15th International Conference on Advanced Lithium Batteries for Automotive Applications, Montreal, Canada.
Type of Publication: Poster
Heidler, Marie; Kauling, Johanna; Winter, Martin; Wiemers-Meyer; Nowak, Sascha (2023)
In: Advanced Battery Power Conference, Aachen, Germany.
Type of Publication: Poster


Duration: 01/07/2020 - 31/10/2030
Funded by: Federal Ministry of Culture and Science of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, PowerCo SE
Type of project: Individual project


Anwendung der SFC für die Extraktion von Materialien aus Lithium-Ionen- Batterien und anschließende Analyse
Nowak, Sascha; Heidler, Marie; Stoev, Martin; Winter, Martin (05/09/2024)
Web – Konferenz: Analytik in Green Transformation, Virtual
Type of talk: scientific talk