Ann-Kathrin Meyer, M.Sc.

Current affiliations

  • Chair of Digital Innovation and the Public Sector (Prof. Brandt) (DIPS)

Academic Education

10/2019 - 12/2021Mathematics (M. Sc.) - University of Münster
10/2016 - 09/2019Mathematics (B. Sc.) - University of Münster
09/2015 - 09/2016Communication management - Hochschule Osnabrück

Work Experience

since 01/2022Research Assistant for Digital Innovation and the Public Sector - University of Münster
10/2020 - 11/2021Student Assistant - University of Münster


Duration: 01/08/2022 - 31/07/2024
Funded by: MKW - Landesweite Digitalisierungsoffensive der Hochschulen - Förderlinie: OER-CONTENT.NRW
Type of project: Participation in other joint projects