Dr. rer. nat. Urvashi Bhatia

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Schmidt A, Marabita F, Kiani NA, Gross CC, Johansson HJ, Elias S, Rautio S, Eriksson M, Fernandes SJ, Silberberg G, Ullah U, Bhatia U, Lahdesmaki H, Lehtio J, Gomez-Cabrero D, Wiendl H, Lahesmaa R, Tegner J (2018)
In: BMC Biology, 16
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Gross CC, Meyer C, Bhatia U, Yshii L, Kleffner I, Bauer J, Troescher A, Plate H, Schulte-Mecklenbeck A, Herich S, Schneider-Hohendorf T, Kuhlmann T, Schwaninger M, Brueck W, Ringelstein M, Doerr J, Wildemann B, Hoeftberger R, Beltran E, Dornmair K, Schwab N, Klotz L, Meuth SG, Martin-Blondel G, Wiendl H, Liblau R (2018)
In: Multiple Sclerosis, 24(2)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Lindner M, Bhatia U, Schulte-Mecklenbeck A, Wirth T, Gross C, Korsen M, Schneider-Hohendorf T, Schwab N, Barman S, Aktas O, Goebels N, Winkler A, Stadelmann C, Brueck W, Kuempfel T, Kleiter I, Wiendl H, Kuhlmann T, Ringelstein M, Klotz L (2018)
In: Multiple Sclerosis, 24(2)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Miske R, Gross CC, Scharf M, Golombeck KS, Hartwig M, Bhatia U, Schulte-Mecklenbeck A, Bönte K, Strippel C, Schöls L, Synofzik M, Lohmann H, Dettmann IM, Deppe M, Mindorf S, Warnecke T, Denno Y, Teegen B, Probst C, Brakopp S, Wandinger KP, Wiendl H, Stöcker W, Meuth SG, Komorowski L, Melzer N. (2016)
In: Neurology Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation, 4(1):e307
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Bhatia U, Schneider-Hohendorf T, Schwab N, Ringelstein M, Meuth SG, Wiendl H, Kleffner I, Gross CC (2015)
In: ECTRIMS, Barcelona, Spanien, .
Type of Publication: Abstract in digital collection (conference)
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