Profile picture of  Judith Kreuter

Judith Kreuter

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • International and global technology policy
  • International and global climate policy
  • Science-policy nexus
  • Securitization and politicization
  • Framing theory

Academic Education

10/2010 - 04/2013Student at the program “Peace and conflict Research/ International Studies”, Goethe University Frankfurt/ Main and Technical University Darmstadt, Master of Arts
10/2007 - 07/2010Student of Political Science and Philosphy, Ruprecht Carls University Heidelberg, Bachelor of Arts
09/2009 - 12/2009Erasmus scholar at Institut des Sciences Politiques (IEP) in Lille, France

Work Experience

since 04/2014Research fellow at the Political Science Institute, WWU Münster
since 12/2013Associated doctoral student of the Priority Program Climate Engineering of the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Functions and Memberships

since 12/2015Member in International Studies Association (ISA)


Kreuter Judith (2015)
Type of Publication: Other scientific publication
Kreuter Judith, Lederer Markus (2015)
Type of Publication: Other scientific publication


Governing intentional climate intervention: what can we learn from the past and what is out there for the future?
Kreuter, Judith (03/03/2016)
Pubilc talk , Oxford Martin School, Oxford, United Kingdom
Type of talk: scientific talk
Discourses of Climate Engineering
Kreuter, Judith (01/03/2016)
InSIS Meeting, Institute of Science, Innovation and Society, Oxford, United Kingdom
Type of talk: scientific talk
Climate Engineering in a multi-polar world. Why CE will be an issue for global policy-making
Kreuter, Judith (29/02/2016)
Public Lecture, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford, United Kingdom
Type of talk: scientific talk
Engineering the climate to address a looming crisis? A case of technologization
Kreuter, Judith (08/07/2015)
Climate Engineering Research Symposium, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland
Type of talk: scientific talk
Climate Engineering - A Solution to the 'Crisis' of Climate Change?
Kreuter, Judith (20/08/2014)
Climate Engineering Conference 2014 - Critical Global Discussions, Scandic Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland
Type of talk: scientific talk
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