Dr.med. Andreas Rukosujew

Current affiliations

  • Department for Cardiovascular Surgery


Fröhling, Tobias; Semo, Dilvin; Mirna, Moritz; Paar, Vera; Shomanova, Zornitsa; Motloch, Lukas; Rukosujew, Andreas; Sindermann, Jürgen; Lichtenauer, Michael; Pistulli, Rudin (2024)
In: Journal of Clinical Medicine, 6866
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Schneider Stefan R.B., Dell’Aquila Angelo, Martens Sven, Rukosujew Andreas (2013)
In: The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, 01
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Dell'aquila AM, Schlarb D, Schneider SR, Sindermann JR, Hoffmeier A, Kaleschke G, Martens S, Rukosujew A (2013)
In: Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, 16(2)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Stypmann J, Engelen MA, Eckernkemper S, Amler S, Gunia S, Sindermann JR, Rothenburger M, Rukosujew A, Drees G, Welp HA (2011)
In: Transplantation Proceedings, 43(5)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)


Aortic Dissection Type A Results Of Surgical Therapy
Candidate: Schneider, Stefan | Supervisors: Rukosujew, Andreas
Period of time: 04/09/2006 - 12/10/2011
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster