Duration: 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2019 | 4th Funding period Funded by: DFG - Individual Grants Programme Type of project: Individual project |
‘In bitter distress I turn to Your Holiness.’ The digital edition of Jewish letters of supplication and their significance for theology and society Schüler, Barbara; Kempe, Maik; Middendorf, Christian (28/10/2024) (Ring-)Vorlesung: Theologie im Kontext von Digitalität, Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
"In bitter distress I write to your Holyness." A guided tour through the digital factory of "Asking the Pope for Help" Hinkel, Sascha; Kempe, Maik Henning; Schüler, Barbara; Wolf, Hubert (05/12/2023) Werkstattberichte aus den Digital Humanities. Vortragsreihe und Webquest am Exzellenzcluster „Religion und Politik“, Exzellenzcluster „Religion und Politik“, Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Das Editionsprojekt “Asking the Pope for help” Griemert, Falk; Hinkel, Sascha; Kempe, Maik Henning (05/06/2023) Workshop ediarum.MEETUP, Virtuell Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Holy Father, help us! Petitions of persecuted jews to Pope Pius XII Haack, Jana; Hinkel, Sascha; Kempe, Maik Henning; Richter, Elisabeth-Marie; Schepers, Judith; Schüler, Barbara; Wolf, Hubert (23/01/2023) Heiliger Vater, retten Sie uns! Die Bittschreiben verfolgter Juden an Papst Pius XII., Katholische Akademie in Bayern, München Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Das Editionsprojekt “Asking the Pope for help”. Methoden und Möglichkeiten digitaler Online-Editionen Kempe, Maik Henning; Richter, Elisabeth-Marie; Wolf, Hubert (07/12/2022) Ringvorlesung - Theologie im Horizont von Digitalität WiSe 2022/23, Münster Type of talk: scientific talk |