Mareike Mühlmeister

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.


Posterpreis der Deutschen Transplantationsgesellschaft
Awarded by: Deutsche Transplantationsgesellschaft
Award given to: Grabner, Alexander; Kentrup, Dominik Richard; Mühlmeister, Mareike; Pawelski, Helga; Pavenstädt, Hermann; Schlatter, Eberhard; Reuter, Stefan Johannes
Date of awarding: 15/10/2014
Type of distinction: Best publication award


Gezielter Wirkstofftransport und nicht-viraler Gentransfer mittels fokussiertem Ultraschall - Ein neuer Therapieansatz -
Candidate: Mühlmeister, Mareike | Supervisors: Tiemann, Klaus; Liebau, Eva; Weber, W.-M.
Period of time: 27/11/2008 - 24/05/2012
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster