Diplom-Biologin Anna Reineke

Current affiliations

  • Research Group Evolutionary Bioinformatics


Pinard, Desre; Mizrachi, Eshchar; Hefer, Charles A.; Kersting, Anna R.; Joubert, Fourie; Douglas, Carl J.; Mansfield, Shawn D.; Myburg, Alexander A. (2015)
In: BMC Genomics, 16
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Myburg,Alexander Andrew A.A.,Grattapaglia,Dário D.,Tuskan,Gerald A. G.A.,Hellsten,Uffe U.,Hayes,Richard D. R.D.,Grimwood,Jane J.,Jenkins,Jerry J. J.J.,Lindquist,Erika A. E.A.,Tice,Hope N. H.N.,Bauer,Diane D.,Goodstein,David M. D.M.,Dubchak,Inna L. I.L.,Poliakov,Alexander V. A.V.,Mizrachi,Eshchar E.,Kullan,Anand Raj Kumar A.R.K.,Hussey,Steven G. S.G.,Pinard,Desre D.,Van Der Merwe,Karen K.,Singh,Pooja P.,Van Jaarsveld,Ida I.,Silva-Junior,Orzenil Bonfim O.B.,Togawa,Robertocoiti R.,Pappas,Marilia R. M.R.,Faria,Danielle Assis De D.A.D.,Sansaloni,Carolina P. C.P.,Petroli,César Daniel C.D.,Yang,Xiaohan X.,Ranjan,Priya P.,Tschaplinski,Timothy J. T.J.,Ye,Chuyu C.,Li,Ting T.,Sterck,Lieven L.,Vanneste,Kevin K.,Murat,Florent F.,Soler,Marçal M.,Clemente,Hélène San H.S.,Saidi,Naijib N.,Cassan-Wang,Hua H.,Dunand,Christophe C.,Hefer,Charles A. C.A.,Bornberg-Bauer,Erich G. E.G.,Kersting,Anna R. A.R.,Vining,Kelly J. K.J.,Amarasinghe,Vindhya V.,Ranik,Martin M.,Naithani,Sushma S.,Elser,Justin J.,Boyd,Alexander E. A.E.,Liston,Aaron A.,Spatafora,Joseph W. J.W.,Dharmwardhana,Palitha P.,Raja,Rajani R.,Sullivan,Christopher M. C.M.,Romanel,Elisson A C E.A.C.,Alves-Ferreira,Márcio M.,Külheim,Carsten C.,Foley,William J. W.J.,Carocha,Víctor J. V.J.,Paiva,Jorge Ap Pinto J.A.P.,Kudrna,Dave D.,Brommonschenkel,Sérgio Hermínio S.H.,Pasquali,Giancarlo G.,Byrne,Margaret M.,Rigault,Philippe P.,Tibbits,Josquin F G J.F.G.,Spokevicius,Antanas V. A.V.,Jones,Rebecca C. R.C.,Steane,Dorothy A. D.A.,Vaillancourt,René E. R.E.,Potts,B. M. B.M.,Joubert,Fourie F.,Barry,Kerrie W. K.W.,Pappas,Georgios Joanis Oannis G.J.O.,Strauss,Steven H. S.H.,Jaiswal,Pankaj P.,Grima-Pettenati,Jacqueline J.,Salse,Jérôme J.,Van de Peer,Yves Y.,Rokhsar,Daniel S. D.S.,Schmutz,Jeremy J., (2014)
In: Nature, 510(7505)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Barnes, Paul W.; Kersting, Anna R.; Flint, Stephan D.; Beyschlag, Wolfram; Ryel, Ronald J. (2013)
In: Physiologia Plantarum, 149(2)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Reineke AR, Bornberg-Bauer E, Gu J (2011)
In: Nucleic Acids Research
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)


Conserved Motifs in Plant Genome Evolution
Candidate: Kersting, Anna (geb. Reineke) | Supervisors: Bornberg-Bauer, Erich; de Meaux, Juliette; Weber, Andreas
Period of time: 02/05/2008 - 15/10/2012
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster