Profile picture of Dr. Sarah Fischer

Dr. Sarah Fischer, M.A.

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Reception research
  • Science communication
  • Health communication
  • Trust research

Academic Education

2011University degree "Magister"; Subject: "Dominance of Science or Integration of Society? A Comparative Content Analysis of the Portrayal of Molecular Medicine, Nanotechnology and Particle Physics in Science Television Programs"
2006 - 2011Studies of Media Studies, English and French at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena

Work Experience

since 10/2015Postdoctoral Researcher with the Research Training Group "Trust and Communication in a Digitized World" at the Westfälische Wilhelms University Muenster
since 04/2012Doctoral Student with the Research Training Group "Trust and Communication in a Digitized World" at the Westfälische Wilhelms University Muenster


Westphal, Sarah; Blöbaum, Bernd (2016)
In: Blöbaum, Bernd (eds.), Trust and communication in a digitized world. Models and concepts of trust research. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Westphal, S., Hendriks, F., & Malik, M. (2015)
In: Bonfadelli, H., Schäfer, M.S. & Kristiansen, S. (eds.), Wissenschaftskommunikation im Wandel. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Westphal, S. (2014)
In: (eds.), . (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
Westphal S., Hendriks, F. (2014)
In: (eds.), . (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
Westphal, S. (2014)
In: (eds.), . (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)


Duration: 01/04/2012 - 31/03/2021 | 2nd Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Research Training Group
Type of project: Main DFG-project hosted at University of Münster


Trust in online information. On the relevance of trust for the reception of scientific uncertainties from different online sources using health information as…
Candidate: Fischer, Sarah | Supervisors: Malik, Maja; Blöbaum, Bernd; Bromme, Rainer
Period of time: 01/04/2012 - 26/10/2015
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster