Academic Education | |
10/2008 - 09/2014 | PhD. in Psychology |
10/2008 - 11/2011 | University Degree as Clinical and Health Psychologist |
10/2001 - 04/2008 | Diploma in Psychology |
Work Experience | |
since 12/2019 | Senior Lecturer, Department of Developmental Psychology, Managing Director of the center of learning, development and counseling, University of Münster |
10/2014 - 12/2019 | Senior Lecturer, Department of Developmental Psychology, Managing Director of the center of learning, development and counseling, University of Münster |
11/2010 - 09/2014 | Research Assistant, Department of Developmental Psychology, University of Münster |
05/2008 - 02/2011 | Research Assistant (Project „ViSC Program - Fostering social and intercultural competencies in schools”), Department of Economic Psychology, Educational Psychology & Evaluation, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria |
Functions and Memberships | |
since 2016 | Dezentrale Gleichstellungsbeauftragte, Gleichstellung am FB07, Institut für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaften, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster |
Schiller, Eva-Maria; Silkenbeumer, Judith; Gwiasda, Antonia; Kärtner, Joscha (eds.) (2023) Heidelberg: Springer. Type of Publication: Book (edited collection) | |
Schiller, Eva-Maria (2023) In: Theorie und Praxis der Sozialpädagogik, 7 Type of Publication: Non-scientific contribution (journal) | |
Schiller, Eva-Maria; Endres, Annika; Nestler, Chantal (2023) In: Kinderärztliche Praxis, 94 Type of Publication: Non-scientific contribution (journal) | |
Nestler, Chantal; Endres, Annika; Schiller, Eva-Maria (2022) In: Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 71 Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
The efficacy of emotionally focused couples therapy and behavioral couples therapy: A meta-analysis. Rathgeber, Maren; Bürkner, Paul Christian; Schiller, Eva-Maria; Holling, Heinz (2019) In: Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 45(3) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) |
Förderung emotionaler Kompetenzen: Alltagsintegrierte Konzepte für Kindertageseinrichtungen und Familien Silkenbeumer, Judith Rebecca; Lüken, Luisa Marie; Schiller, Eva-Maria; Strehlke, Eva (29/05/2021) Zweites internationales Bodensee-Symposium Frühe Kindheit 2021, Virtuell Type of talk: practical talk | |
Das Zusammenspiel von Ko- und Selbstregulation in emotional herausfordernden Situationen in der Kindertageseinrichtung Nass, Judith Schiller, Eva-Maria Kärtner, Joscha (20/09/2016) 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie , Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Deutschland Type of talk: scientific talk |
Wissenschaftspreis für kindgemäße Pädagogik 2009 Awarded by: Köck Privatstiftung - Initiative Neues Lernen Award given to: Schiller, Eva-Maria Date of awarding: 15/04/2009 Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction |