Profile picture of Dr. Christof Kusebauch

Dr. Christof Kusebauch

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Mechanisms of mineral replacement reactions
  • Partitioning of halogens and trace elements between fluid and apatite
  • Fluid-rock interaction
  • Role of halogens during hydrothermal mobilization and transport of elements
  • Experimental petrology

Academic Education

since 08/2010Doctoral student: Geoscience, WWU Münster
10/2004 - 06/2010Diploma Student: Mineralogy, University of Kiel

Work Experience

since 08/2010wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Mineralogie WWU Münster


Kusebauch C, John T, Whitehouse M.J, Engvik A (2015)
In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 000
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Kusebauch C, John T, Whitehouse M.J, Klemme S, Putnis A (2015)
In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 170
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Kusebauch C, John T, Barnes J, Klügel A, Austrheim H (2015)
In: Journal of Petrology, 56(2)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Majumdar A.S., King H.E., John T., Kusebauch C., Putnis A. (2014)
In: Chemical Geology, 380(null)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Kusebauch C, John T, Barnes J, Klügel A, Austrheim H (2013)
In: (eds.), . (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
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Duration: 25/11/2009 - 31/12/2011
Funded by: DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Type of project: Individual project