Dr. Verena Prokosch

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.


Alnawaiseh M, Rosentreter A, Prokosch V, Eveslage M, Eter N, Zumhagen L. (2017)
In: Curr Eye Res, 42
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Alnawaiseh M, Hömberg L, Eter N, Prokosch V. (2017)
In: J Ophthalmol, 2017
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Thanos S., Oellers P., Meyer Zu Hörste M., Prokosch V., Schlatt S., Seitz B., Gatzioufas Z. (2016)
In: Cornea, 35(10)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Termuehlen J, Gottschalk A, Eter N, Hoffmann EM, Van Aken H, Grenzebach U, Prokosch V (2016)
In: Pediatric Anesthesia, 26(9)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Brockhaus, K., Meyer zu Hörste, M., Prokosch-Willing, V. Thanos, S. (2015)
In: DOG 2015, Berlin, .
Type of Publication: Abstract in digital collection (conference)
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Awarded by: Verein Rheinisch-Westfälischer Augenärzte
Award given to: Prokosch-Willing, Verena; Lapp, Thabo Benjamin
Announced at: 15/02/2013 | Date of awarding: 15/02/2013
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction
Glaukomforschungspreis der DOG
Awarded by: Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (DOG)
Award given to: Prokosch, Verena; Fuchshofer, Rudolf
Date of awarding: 15/06/2010
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction


Der regenerationsfördernde Effekt des alpha-2 Adrenorezeptor-Agonisten Brimonidintartrat auf die Neurone der glaukomatösen Netzhaut der Ratten wird vermittelt…
Candidate: Prokosch, Verena | Supervisors: Thanos, Solon
Period of time: until 25/07/2007
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster