Academic Education | |
since 05/2009 | Doctor in philosophy (Dr. phil). Dissertation: Frauenzeitschriften aus der Sicht ihrer Leserinnen. Die Rezeption von Brigitte im Kontext von Alltag, Biografie und Doing Gender“ (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg) |
04/2007 - 05/2010 | Phd in Cultural Studies, Leuphana University Lüneburg |
10/1997 - 08/2003 | Graduate studies in Communications, Dramatics and Comparative Literature at Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
10/2000 - 03/2001 | Graduate Student of „Lettres Modernes“ at Université Charles de Gaulle - Lille 3 |
Work Experience | |
10/2016 - 10/2018 | Post Doc at the Department of Communication, Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster |
07/2012 - 09/2016 | Research Associate; Projects "The Mediatized Home I-III" at the Departement of Communciation, Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster |
10/2010 - 06/2012 | Post Doc at the Department of Communications and Media Culture, Leuphana University Lüneburg |
04/2008 - 09/2010 | Research Associate, Project "Spitzenfrauen in den Medien" at the Department of Communication and Media Culture, Leuphana University Lüneburg |
10/2005 - 03/2008 | Lecturer at the Department for Communications and Media Culture, Leuphana University Lüneburg |
04/2005 - 03/2006 | Lecturer at the Department of Communications, Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
Functions and Memberships | |
since 2014 | Internation Communication Association |
since 2010 | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft |
since 2008 | European Communication Research and Education Association |
Peil C, Müller K, Drüeke R, Niemand S, Roth R (2020) In: Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 68(3) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Müller Kathrin Friederike (2019) In: Eberwein Tobias, Karmasin Matthias, Krotz Friedrich, Rath Matthias (eds.), Responsibility and Resistance: Ethics in Mediatized Worlds. Wiesbaden: Springer VDI Verlag. Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution) | |
Röser Jutta, Müller Kathrin Friederike, Niemand Stephan, Roth Ulrike (2019) Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Type of Publication: Book (monograph) | |
Zillich Arne Freya, Müller Kathrin Friederike (2019) In: International Journal of Communication, 13 Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Müller Kathrin Friederike (2019) In: Dorer Johanna, Geiger Brigitte, Hipfl Brigitte, Ratković Viktorija (eds.), Handbuch Medien und Geschlecht. Wiesbaden: Springer VDI Verlag. Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution) |
Duration: 01/11/2014 - 31/12/2017 | 3rd Funding period Funded by: DFG - Priority Programme Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted outside University of Münster | |
Duration: 01/11/2012 - 30/10/2014 | 2nd Funding period Funded by: DFG - Priority Programme Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted outside University of Münster | |
Duration: 01/11/2010 - 30/06/2013 | 1st Funding period Funded by: DFG - Priority Programme Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted outside University of Münster |
Wie man auf Facebook kommunizieren sollte. Deskriptive und injunktive Normen bei der Nutzung von Social Networking Sites. Kathrin Friederike Müller, Arne Freya Zillich (11/05/2018) Selbstbestimmung in der digitalen Welt, Mannheim Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Wie normativ ist die Kommunikationswissenschaft? Sollensvorstellungen in internationalen und deutschen Fachzeitschriftenaufsätzen (1970–2014). Claudia Riesmeyer, Arne Zillich, Stephanie Geise, Katharina Kleinen-von Königslöw, Ulrike Klinger, Melanie Magin, Kathrin Friederike Müller, Cordula Nitsch, Liane Rothenberger, Christina Schumann, Annika Sehl,Cornelia Wallner (10/05/2018) Selbstbestimmung in der digitalen Welt, Mannheim Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Online-Avantgarde - Selbstbestimmte Mediennutzung jenseits des Angebotsspektrums klassischer Massenmedien. Kathrin Friederike Müller (10/05/2018) Selbstbestimmung in der digitalen Welt, Mannheim Type of talk: scientific talk | |
National vs globalized moving images? The relation between streaming and watching television at home. Kathrin Friederike Müller (20/04/2018) Global Mediatization Research and Technology, Klagenfurt Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Normen der Nutzung von Sozialen Netzwerken. Eine Spezifizierung des Verständnisses von Medienhandeln Kathrin Friederike Müller, Arne Freya Zillich (12/10/2017) Medien- und Kommunikationssoziologie: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft, Friedrichshafen Type of talk: scientific talk |
Preis für die beste Nachwuchspublikation 2011/2012 Awarded by: Fachgruppe 'Medien, Öffentlichkeit und Geschlecht' der DGPuK Award given to: Müller, Kathrin Friederike Announced at: 15/05/2013 | Date of awarding: 15/05/2013 Type of distinction: Best publication award | |
Lehrpreis der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg 2012 Awarded by: Award given to: Müller, Kathrin Friederike Date of awarding: 15/07/2012 Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction |