Profile picture of Prof. Dr. Fernando Buarque

Prof. Dr. Fernando Buarque, DIC PhD AvH

Current affiliations

  • Chair of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (Logistik)


Gomes Pereira de Lacerda M., de Andrade Amorim Neto H., Ludermir T.B., Kuchen H., Buarque de Lima Neto F. (2022)
In: Applied Soft Computing Journal, Elsevier, 2022
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Menezes, Breno; Kuchen, Herbert; Buarque de Lima Neto, Fernando (2022)
In: International Journal of Parallel Programming, 2022
Type of Publication: Review article (journal)
de Lacerda M G, de Araujo Pessoa L F, Buarque de Lima Neto F, Ludermir T B, Kuchen H (2021)
In: Das S, Suganthan P N, Ali M (eds.), Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Menezes Breno, Herrmann Nina, Kuchen Herbert, Neto Fernando Buarque de Lima (2021)
In: International Journal of Parallel Programming, 49
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Menezes Breno, de Araujo Pessoa L F, Kuchen H, Buarque de Lima Neto F (2020)
In: Ian Foster, Gerhard R. Joubert, Luděk Kučera, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Frans Peters (eds.), Parallel Computing: Technology Trends. IOP Publishing.
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
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Enabling Non-technical Users to ery and Purchase Data
Candidate: Martins, Denis Mayr Lima | Supervisors: Vossen, Gottfried
Period of time: 01/10/2015 - 29/02/2020
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster