Hoffmann B, Noll P, Grützke M, Kraft V, Friesen A, Wendt C, Hörpel G, Winter M, Nowak S (2016) In: European Advanced Automotive & Industrial Conference, Mainz, Germany. Type of Publication: Poster | |
Grützke M, Kraft V, Weber W, Wendt C, Friesen A, Klamor S, Winter M, Nowak S (2014) In: The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 94 Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Friesen A, Wendt C, Börner M, Vortmann B, Haetge J, Schappacher F, Winter M (2014) In: Kraftwerk Batterie 2014, Münster, Deutschland, . Type of Publication: Abstract in digital collection (conference) | |
Reichert M, Haetge J, Berghus D, Wendt C, Meier V, Rodehorst U, Schappacher F M, Passerini S, Winter M (2014) In: ECS Transactions, 61(27) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) |
Investigation of the shutdown potential adjustment by modification of carbene adducts in lithium ion batteries Janssen, Pia; Streipert, Benjamin; Wendt, Christian; Krafft, Roman; Stoev, Martin; Kraft, Vadim; Murmann, Patrick; Kalinovich, Nataliya; Lewis-Alleyne, Lesley; Korth, Martin; Röschenthaler, Gerd-Volker; Winter, Martin; Cekic-Laskovic, Isidora (08/11/2015) International Conference on Innovative Electrochemical Energy Materials and Technologies, Guangxi University, Nanning, China Type of talk: scientific talk |
Untersuchung des Alterungsverhaltens von Elektroden in Lithium-Ion Batterien Candidate: Wendt, Christian | Supervisors: Winter, Martin Period of time: 01/08/2013 - 31/12/2018 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster |