Profile picture of Dr. Charlotte Raue-Behlau

Dr. Charlotte Raue-Behlau

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Trust, teamcognition in analog and digital teamsport
  • Sportpsychological Consulting

Academic Education

10/2016 - 06/2021PHD student, Department Sport psychology WWU, DFG research training group "trust and communication in a digitized world" (1712/2)
2014 - 2015Master Work and Organizational Psychology, Maastricht University, Niederlande
2011 - 2014Bachelor Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Niederlande

Work Experience

since 07/2021Researcher/post-doc position at department of sport psychology WWU Münster
since 07/2016Sportpsychologist - Training & Coaching (asp)
04/2018 - 06/2021PhD position at the DFG research training group "trust and communication in a digitized world" (1712/2)
04/2016 - 03/2018Teaching position, Department of Sport psychology WWU
10/2015 - 07/2016Ausbildung zum Sportpsychologischem Training im Leistungssport (asp)
04/2015 - 08/2015Research Assistant at Maastricht University Thema: International classroom of Maastricht University
01/2014 - 04/2014Research Assistant at Maastricht University - Thema: Unterstützung vom Abnehmen durch Gedächtnistrainig

Functions and Memberships

since 2018Mitglied der Komission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs des IfS
since 2016Mitglied der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sportpsychologie in Deutschland (asp)
2020 - 2021Mitglied im Promotionsausschuss am Fachbereich 07 (Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft)
2020 - 2021Vorstandsmitglied im DFG Graduiertenkolleg "Vertrauen und Kommunikation in einer digitalisierten Welt" (1712/2)


van Meurs, E.; Rehr, J. P.; Raue-Behlau, C.; Strauss, B. (2023)
In: Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 66
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Henning, Lena; Raue-Behlau, Charlotte; Halberschmidt, Barbara; Peikenkamp, Jana; Tietjens, Maike (2023)
In: German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, open access
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Henning, L; Raue-Behlau, C; Halberschmidt, B; Peikenkamp; J.; Tietjens, M (2023)
In: Kullik et al (eds.), Leistung steuern. Gesundheit stärken. Entwicklung fördern. /: online Abstractband.
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
Buenemann, Stephanie; Raue-Behlau, Charlotte; Tamminen, Katherine A.; Tietjens, Maike; Strauss, Bernd (2023)
In: International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, online
Type of Publication: Review article (journal)
Leis, O., Raue, C., Dreiskämper, D., Lautenbach, F. (2021)
In: German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 2021
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
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Duration: 01/04/2012 - 31/03/2021 | 2nd Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Research Training Group
Type of project: Main DFG-project hosted at University of Münster


Examining drivers of the home advantage in German volleyball
van Meurs, Edda; Rehr, Jan-Philipp; Raue-Behlau, Charlotte; Strauss, Bernd (12/10/2022)
Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology, Montreal
Type of talk: scientific talk
Examining drivers of the home advantage in German volleyball
van Meurs, Edda; Rehr, Jan-Philipp; Raue-Behlau, Charlotte; Strauss, Bernd (12/07/2022)
FEPSAC 2022 16th European Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology, Padua
Type of talk: scientific talk
With and without spectators: the home advantage of the last 25 years in the German 1st volleyball leagues
van Meurs, Edda; Rehr, Jan-Philipp; Raue-Behlau, Charlotte; Strauss, Bernd (18/06/2022)
Ein Gehirn, viel Bewegung – Variabilität und Plastizität über die Lebensspanne 54. Jahrestagung der…, Münster
Type of talk: scientific talk


Are you thinking what I am thinking? Measurement implications and empirical support for Shared Mental Models in sports
Candidate: Raue, Charlotte | Supervisors: Strauss, Bernd; Blöbaum, Bernd; Dreiskämper, Dennis;
Period of time: 02/04/2018 - 09/06/2021
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster