Profile picture of  Sascha Weber

Sascha Weber

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.


Schultz C, Kraft V, Pyschik M, Weber S, Schappacher F, Winter M, Nowak S (2015)
In: 42nd Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and related Techniques, Genf, Switzerland.
Type of Publication: Poster
Schultz C, Kraft V, Pyschik M, Weber S, Schappacher F, Winter M, Nowak S (2015)
In: Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 162(4)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Schultz C, Weber S, Kraft V, Schappacher F, Winter M, Nowak S (2014)
In: ISC 2014: 30th International Symposium on Chromatography, Salzburg, Austria.
Type of Publication: Poster
Schultz C, Weber S, Kraft V, Winter M, Nowak S (2014)
In: 6. Kraftwerk Batterie Fachtagung, Münster, Germany.
Type of Publication: Poster
Weber S, Nowak S, Schappacher F (2014)
In: Thaler A, Watzenig D (eds.), Automotive Battery Technology. Springer VDI Verlag.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
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