Profile picture of Dr. Simon Derpmann

Dr. Simon Derpmann, Diplom-Volkswirt, M.A.

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Economic Philosophy, esp. Philosophy of Money
  • Foundations and History of Economics
  • Critical Theory
  • Social and Moral Philosophy, esp. 18th & 19th Century
  • Theories of Justice
  • Moral Philosophy and Metaethics
  • Applied Ethics, esp. Biomedical Ethics, Public Health Ethics, and Business Ethics

Academic Education

10/2005 - 11/2011Promotionsstudium (Dr. phil) an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Dissertationsschrift: Gründe der Solidarität)
10/2005 - 04/2009M.Sc. Economics, Cologne
10/1999 - 07/2005M.A. Philosophy, Münster

Work Experience

since 12/2009Assistant Professor at the Philosophy Department, University of Münster
10/2021 - 03/2024Vertretung von Prof. Susanne Hahn (50%)
07/2019 - 03/2024Scientific Coordinator of the Graduate School "Democracy, Human Rights, and Religion"
10/2020 - 03/2021Vertretung der Professur für Praktische Philosophie II an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
07/2015 - 10/2019Associated Member of Collaborative Research Centre 1150 Kulturen des Entscheidens (Cultures of Decision-Making)
04/2010 - 07/2018Associated Member of the Centre for Advanced Study in Bioethics
03/2016 - 06/2016Visiting Scholar at the Department of Philosophy, University of Chicago. Sponsor: Daniel Brudney
04/2010 - 01/2012Participation in the EU-funded Leonardo Project ProEthics
11/2005 - 11/2009Research Assistant, University of Cologne, Philosophy Department and Institute for Ethics in Life Sciences
02/2009 - 04/2009Internship at the World Health Organization Headquarters, Geneva. Hosted by the Department of Ethics, Equity, Trade and Human Rights

Functions and Memberships

since 2021Arbeitsgruppe für Wirtschaftsphilosophie und Ethik (WPE) der DGPhil
since 04/2019Member of the International Social Ontology Society
since 04/2018Mitglied der Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie (GAP)
since 09/2016Mitglied der Gesellschaft für Utilitarismusstudien e.V.
since 02/2011Mitglied der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie e.V. (DGPhil)


Derpmann, Simon (2024)
In: Rivista di Estetica, 84
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Derpmann, Simon (2024)
In: Höntzsch, Frauke (eds.), Mill-Handbuch. Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag.
Type of Publication: Entry in encyclopedia (book contribution)
Derpmann, Simon (2024)
In: Quante, Michael; Loos, Christian; von Groote-Gotzes, Barbara; Kahmen, Anna (eds.), Institutionenethik. Beiträge zur normativen Eigensinnigkeit von Institutionen. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Derpmann, Simon (2024)
In: Höntzsch, Frauke (eds.), Mill-Handbuch. Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag.
Type of Publication: Entry in encyclopedia (book contribution)
Simon Derpmann (2023)
In: Michael Quante; Giga Zedania (eds.), Marxismus im Spannungsfeld von Philosophie und Politik. Zur Rezeption der Marxschen Theorie im östlichen Europa in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts.. Münster: mentis Verlag.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
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Duration: 26/05/2004 - 25/05/2007
Funded by: Springer International Publishing AG, Ontos Verlag
Type of project: Scientific Event


The Publicity of Commercial Money
Derpmann, Simon (15/06/2023)
Money as a Democratic Medium 2.0, Hamburg
Type of talk: scientific talk
Marx's account of value and the critique of market society
Derpmann, Simon (28/05/2023)
Workshop on Political Economy, Rikkyo University, Tokyo
Type of talk: scientific talk
John St. Mill und die Probleme einer Wissenschaft der politischen Ökonomie
Simon Derpmann (25/04/2023)
Ringvorlesung Geschichte der Philosophie der Moderne, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
Type of talk: scientific talk
Ausbeutung in der Eigentumsdemokratie und im liberalen Sozialismus
Derpmann, Simon (17/03/2023)
Buchworkshop zu Hannes Kuch: „Wirtschaft, Demokratie und liberaler Sozialismus“, TU Dortmund
Type of talk: scientific talk
Was ist Geld?
Simon Derpmann (24/11/2022)
PPE Talks, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Type of talk: scientific talk
Show all talks


Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of Chicago (Forschungsstipendien für promovierte Nachwuchswissenschaftler)
Awarded by: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Award given to: Simon Derpmann
Announced at: 15/11/2015
Type of distinction: Scholarship
Förderung eines Gastaufenthalts bei der WHO (Kurzstipendien für Praktika im Ausland)
Awarded by: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Award given to: Simon Derpmann
Announced at: 15/12/2006
Type of distinction: Scholarship


Reasons of Solidarity
Candidate: Derpmann, Simon | Supervisors: Quante, Michael
Period of time: 01/10/2009 - 05/10/2011
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster