Dr. Kirsi Jalkanen

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.


Liebenau D, Schmohl S, Jalkanen K, Bieker P, Winter M, Kolek M (2019)
In: Kraftwerk Batterie, Aachen, Deutschland, .
Type of Publication: Abstract in digital collection (conference)
Liebenau D, Jalkanen K, Schmohl S, Stan M, Bieker P, Wiemhöfer H-D, Winter M, Kolek M (2019)
In: Advanced Materials Interfaces, 1900518
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Bieker G, Jalkanen K, Diddens D, Kolek M, Wellmann J, Winter M, Bieker P (2018)
In: Batterieforum Deutschland 2018, Berlin, Deutschland, .
Type of Publication: Abstract in digital collection (conference)
Bieker G, Jalkanen K, Diddens D, Kolek M, Winter M, Bieker P (2018)
In: IMLB 2018, Kyoto, Japan, .
Type of Publication: Abstract in digital collection (conference)
Liebenau D, Schmohl S, Jalkanen K, Bieker P, Winter M, Kolek M (2018)
In: Electrochemistry 2018, Ulm, Deutschland, .
Type of Publication: Abstract in digital collection (conference)
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Understanding Magnesium/Sulfur Batteries: The Different Electrochemistry of Li and Mg Polysulfide Solutions
Bieker, Georg; Jalkanen, Kirsi; Diddens, Diddo; Kolek, Martin; Winter, Martin; Bieker, Peter (13/05/2018)
ECS Spring Meeting, Seattle
Type of talk: scientific talk
The Solvent-dependent Electrochemistry of Lithium and Magnesium Polysulfide Solutions
Bieker, Georg; Jalkanen, Kirsi; Diddens, Diddo; Kolek, Martin; Winter, Martin; Bieker, Peter (25/04/2018)
Li-SM3 Conference 2018, Chicago
Type of talk: scientific talk
Magnesium/Sulfur Batteries - The Differences Between Mg and Li Polysulfide Chemistries
Bieker, Georg; Jalkanen, Kirsi; Diddens, Diddo; Kolek, Martin; Winter, Martin; Bieker, Peter (10/04/2018)
Kraftwerk Batterie, Münster
Type of talk: scientific talk
Magnesium/Sulfur Batteries: The Differences Between Mg and Li Polysulfides (Poster Talk)
Bieker, Georg; Jalkanen, Kirsi; Diddens, Diddo; Kolek, Martin; Wellmann, Julia; Winter, Martin; Bieker, Peter (25/01/2018)
Batterieforum Deutschland 2018, Berlin
Type of talk: scientific talk
Influence of the cation in Li and Mg polysulfide solutions in dependence of the solvent chemistry (Poster Talk)
Bieker, Georg; Jalkanen, Kirsi; Diddens, Diddo; Wellmann, Julia; Kolek, Martin; Winter, Martin; Bieker, Peter (06/11/2017)
6th Workshop »Lithium-Sulfur-Batteries«, Dresden
Type of talk: scientific talk
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Poster Award (2nd place)
Awarded by: BMBF-Beirat Batterieforschung Deutschland
Award given to: Bieker, Georg; Jalkanen, Kirsi; Diddens, Diddo; Kolek, Martin; Wellmann, Julia; Winter, Martin; Bieker, Peter
Announced at: 15/01/2018 | Date of awarding: 15/01/2018
Type of distinction: Best publication award