Gadawski P., Riss H., Płóciennik M., Meyer E.I. (2016) In: River Research and Applications, 32(9) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Wesseling W, Wittka S., Kroll S., Soltmann C., Kegler P., Kunzmann A., Riss H.W., Lohmeyer M. (2015) In: Aquaculture, 446 Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Mohn R, Vosswinkel N, Riss HW, Göke M (2014) In: Schleiss A.J (eds.), River Flow 2014. London: CRC Press. Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution) | |
Mohn R., Vosswinkel N., Riss H.W., Göke, M. (2014) In: Schleiss A.J. et al. (eds.), River Flow 2014. London: CRC Press. Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution) | |
PŁOCIENNIK, M.; GADAWSKI, P.; TEMPELMAN, D.; RISS, H.W. (2013) In: Spixiana, 36(1) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) |
Duration: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016 Type of project: Own resources project | |
Duration: 28/11/2014 - 30/06/2015 Funded by: biopace - Büro für Planung, Ökologie & Umwelt Type of project: Individual project | |
Chironomids (non-biting midges) – Diversity and bioindication in running waters of the northern Andes (Chironomiden der Andengewässer) Duration: since 01/05/2014 Type of project: Own resources project | |
Duration: since 01/04/2014 Type of project: Own resources project | |
Duration: since 01/09/2013 Type of project: Own resources project |
Establishing a "Good Ecological Potential" of the Münster Aa, a hard-sealed urban channel – a technical design of hydraulic and ecological niches
Riss, H.Wolfgang; Dorner, Simon; Meyer, Elisabeth Irmgard; Mohn, Rainer (22/08/2016) THE 10 th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION, Freising, Deutschland Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The use of next-generation sequencing to distinguish microbial communities under the influence of different land use in groundwater ecosystems Karczewski, Karsten; Riss, H.Wolfgang Riss; Meyer, Elisabeth Irmgard (03/08/2016) XXXIII SIL Congress, Turin, Italien Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Adaptations in a freshwater shrimp (Gammarus pulex) to increased salinity: Which responses boost survival? Meyer Elisabeth Irmgard; Philipp, Berit; Santhos Kumar, Deula; Schmidt-Drewello, Alexander; Riss, Wolfgang (02/08/2016) XXXIII SIL Conress, Turin, Italien Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Does increasing density stress favour invasive Does increasing density stress favour invasive amphipod species in Central European streams? Evidence from a lab… Meyer, Elisabeth Irmgard Meyer; Rosolowski, Jessica, Riss, H.Wolfgang Riss (25/05/2016) Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Sciences SFS , Sacramento, California, USA Type of talk: scientific talk |