Dr. Pietro Giudice

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.


Ali S, Bergner G, Gerber H, Giudice P, Kuberski S, Montvay I, Münster G, Piemonte S, Scior P (2018)
In: (eds.), Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2017). (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
Ali S, Bergner G, Gerber H, Giudice P, Montvay I, Münster G, Piemonte S, Scior P (2018)
In: (eds.), Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2017). (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
Ali S, Bergner G, Gerber H, Giudice P, Kuberski S, Montvay I, Münster G, Piemonte S, Scior P (2018)
In: Della Morte, M.; Fritzsch, P.; Gámiz Sánchez, E.; Pena Ruano, C. (eds.), Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2017). Les Ulis Cedex: EDP Sciences.
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
Bergner G, Giudice P, Montvay I, Münster G, Piemonte S, Scior P (2018)
In: Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP), 2018(1)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Ali S, Bergner G, Gerber H, Giudice P, Montvay I, Münster G, Piemonte S, Scior P (2018)
In: Binder K, Müller M, Trautmann A (eds.), Proceedings of the NIC Symposium 2018. Jülich: (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
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Duration: since 01/12/2013
Type of project: Own resources project