Toma Paraskevi (2018) Münster u.a.: LIT Verlag. Type of Publication: Book (monograph) |
Duration: since 14/03/2022 Type of project: Own resources project |
Deciphering a Biliterate Identity: The Latin-Greek Autographs of Nikolaos of Otranto Toma, Paraskevi (11/09/2018) 9e Colloque international de Paléographie grecque. Le livre manuscrit grec: écritures, matériaux, histoire, Paris Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Élite bilinguals in Apulia. The case of Nikolaos of Otranto Toma, Paraskevi (10/07/2018) 5. Byzantinistisches Doktoranden- und Postdoktorandenkolloquium, Mainz Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Memento mori: The Remembrance of Death in the Catecheses of Theodore the Studite Toma, Paraskevi (04/07/2018) 25th International Medieval Congress, Leeds Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Bilingual Writing: The Three Syntagmata of Nikolaos of Otranto Toma, Paraskevi (15/04/2018) THE POST-1204 BYZANTINE WORLD: NEW APPROACHES AND NOVEL DIRECTIONS, 51st Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Edinburgh Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Gedichte edieren mit LaTeX: Vorteile, Schwierigkeiten und Lösungen Toma, Paraskevi (01/12/2016) Öffentlicher Präsentationsabend des Zentrums für Textedition und Kommentierung, Μünster Type of talk: scientific talk |
Joseph the Hymnographer. Kanones on Saints According to the Eight Modes. Critical Edition Candidate: Toma, Paraskevi | Supervisors: Makris, Georgios; Grünbart, Michael Period of time: until 01/03/2016 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster |