Dr. Monique Nagel-Angermann

Current affiliations

  • FB09 - Faculty of Philology (FB09)
  • Institute of Sinology and East Asian Studies

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Chinese history
  • Chinese historiography

Academic Education

1994 - 10/1999PhD


Nagel-Angermann, Monique (2022)
In: Monumenta Serica, 70(1)
Type of Publication: Review (journal)
Nagel-Angermann, Monique (2020)
In: Tomiya, Itaru; Emmerich, Reinhard (eds.), Crime and Society in East Asia : Symposium. Kyoto: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
Nagel-Angermann Monique (2019)
In: Müller Shing, Höllmann Thomas O., Filip Sonja (eds.), Early Medieval North China: Archaeological and Textual Evidence. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
Nagel-Angermann, Monique (2019)
In: Grimberg, Phillip; Schönebeck, Grete (eds.), Vom Wesen der Dinge: Realitäten und Konzeptionen des Materiellen in der chinesischen Kultur. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Nagel-Angermann, Monique (2018)
In: Breuer Rüdiger, Roetz Heiner (eds.), Worüber man nicht spricht. Tabus, Schweigen und Redeverbote in China. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
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Duration: 23/09/2013 - 27/09/2013
Funded by: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Type of project: Individual project
Duration: 03/09/2012 - 05/09/2012
Type of project: Own resources project


China und seine frühe Hochkultur
Nagel-Angermann, Monique (23/09/2021)
Veranstaltung der "Erlebniswochen CHINA", Online-Vortrag
Type of talk: scientific talk
Death and Burial: Narratives about the Rulers of the Sixteen States (300–430)
Nagel-Angermann, Monique (26/08/2021)
EACS 2021 (23rd Biennal Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies), Leipzig, Deutschland
Type of talk: scientific talk
Das alte China - Errungenschaften einer frühen Hochkultur
Nagel-Angermann, Monique (27/01/2021)
VHS Wissensticket: Frühe Hochkulturen der Welt, VHS-Cloud (Webinar)
Type of talk: scientific talk
The Value of "Loyalty" (zhong 忠) during the Period of the Sixteen States (300-430)
Nagel-Angermann, Monique (15/11/2019)
Workshop "Early Medieval China", Inalco, Paris, Frankreich
Type of talk: scientific talk
Some remarks about acts of grace during the Jin dynasty
Nagel-Angermann, Monique (26/07/2019)
Law and Society in Premodern East Asia, WWU Münster, Münster, Deutschland
Type of talk: scientific talk
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Das Diwang shiji des Huangfu Mi (215-282)
Candidate: Nagel-Angermann, Monique | Supervisors: Emmerich, Reinhard
Period of time: until 13/10/1999
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster