Sebastian Kuhlgert

Current affiliations

  • Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology


Weinl S, Held K, Schlucking K, Steinhorst L, Kuhlgert S, Hippler M, Kudla J (2008)
In: New Phytologist, 179(3)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)


Electron Transfer Between Photosystem I and +Plastocyanin or Cytochrome c6 Site directed mutagenesis of the photosystem I subunits PsaA/PsaB for mechanistic…
Candidate: Kuhlgert, Sebastian | Supervisors: Hippler, Michael; Weis, Engelbert; von Schaewen, Antje
Period of time: 26/08/2010 - 10/12/2012
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster