Benedikt Konersmann

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.


Mönnighoff X, Friesen A, Konersmann B, Horsthemke F, Grützke M, Winter M, Nowak S (2017)
In: Journal of Power Sources, 352
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)


Post-Mortem SFE of Electrolyte from Commercially Available 18650-type Lithium Ion Batteries and Characterization by GC-MS
Mönnighoff, Xaver; Konersmann, Benedikt; Horsthemke, Fabian; Friesen, Alex; Grützke, Martin; Winter, Martin; Nowak, Sascha (01/09/2016)
31th International Symposium on Chromatography, Cork, Irland
Type of talk: scientific talk