Academic Education | |
2013 - 2016 | Early Stage Researcher (PhD) within the FlowTrans ITN at Marie Curie Initial Training Network - Flow and Transformation of Porous Media |
2010 - 2012 | Msc Environmental Studies (ERASMUS MUNDUS) offered by University of Aveiro (PT); Autonomous University of Barcelona (ESP); Hamburg University of Technology (GER); Aalborg University Denmark (JEMES- Joint European Master in Environmental Studies) |
2002 - 2008 | BSc Environmental Engineering, University of Aveiro, Portugal |
Work Experience | |
12/2011 - 02/2012 | Research Assistant at Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) |
06/2010 - 09/2010 | Research Assistant at CESAM- Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies, University of Aveiro |
06/2009 - 12/2009 | Internship (Leonardo Da Vinci Programme) at Agrochemistry and Environment Department, University Miguel Hernández (UMH), Spain |
Pedrosa E., Boeck L., Putnis C., Putnis A. (2017) In: American Mineralogist, 102(1) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Pedrosa, E.T., Boeck, L., Putnis, C.V., Putnis, A. (2016) In: EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, . Type of Publication: Abstract in digital collection (conference) | |
Pedrosa, E.T., Burgos-Cara, A., Putnis, C. V., Putnis, A. (2016) In: Goldschmidt 2016, Yokohama, Japan, . Type of Publication: Abstract in digital collection (conference) | |
Pedrosa, E.T., Putnis, C. V., Renard, F., Burgos-Cara, A., Laurich, B., Putnis, A. (2016) In: CrystEngComm, 18 Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Pedrosa, E.T., Putnis, C.V., Putnis, A. (2016) In: Chemical Geology, 425 Type of Publication: Research article (journal) |
Flow in Transforming Porous Media (FlowTrans) Duration: 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2016 Funded by: EC FP 7 - Marie Curie Actions - Initial Training Networks Type of project: EU-project hosted outside University of Münster |
Porosity generation during mineral replacement reactions Candidate: Pedrosa, Elisabete Trindade | Supervisors: Putnis, Andrew Period of time: 03/06/2013 - 23/11/2016 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster |