Profile picture of  Katharina Glaab

Katharina Glaab, M.A.

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Norms in International Relations
  • Global Environmental Politics
  • Theoretical Approaches to Power
  • Religious actors in global politics
  • China and India
  • Politics of Agricultural Biotechnology

Academic Education

since 02/2014Defense of doctoral thesis
08/2008 - 02/2014Doctoral Studies in Political Science/International Relations, WWU Münster
04/2002 - 10/2007Magisterstudium der Politikwissenschaft, Sinologie, Neuere und Neueste Geschichte an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster
08/2004 - 07/2005Studium des modernen Chinesisch, Renmin Universität Peking, VR China

Work Experience

since 11/2012Research Fellow at the Cluster of Excellence 'Religion and Politics', project A2-6 'Religious Actors in Global Governance'
05/2008 - 10/2012Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Internationale Beziehungen und Entwicklungspolitik, WWU Münster
02/2012 - 03/2012Visiting Researcher, Fridtjof Nansen Institut, Oslo
12/2010 - 02/2011Visiting Researcher, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
09/2010 - 11/2010Visiting Researcher, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
11/2007 - 04/2008Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für Politik Südostasiens, WWU Münster

Functions and Memberships

since 2014Member, deputy representative of the academic staff, Senate of the University of Muenster, since 2014
since 05/2011Member of the German Association of Political Science (DVPW)
since 05/2009Mitglied der International Studies Association (ISA)
since 11/2007Mitglied der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde (DGA), Mitglied der Nachwuchsgruppe
2010 - 2014Member, directorate of the Institute of Political Science, representative of the academic staff, University of Muenster
04/2012 - 05/2014Speaker of the junior research group of the section 'International Politics' of the German Association for Political Science (DVPW)


Glaab, Katharina; Fuchs, Doris (2017)
In: Masala, Carlo; Sauer, Frank (eds.), Handbuch Internationale Beziehungen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Fuchs, Doris; Di Giulio, Antonietta; Glaab, Katharina; Lorek, Sylvia; Maniates, Michael; Princen, Tom; Ropke, Inge (2016)
In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 132
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Friederich, Johannes; Fuchs, Doris; Glaab, Katharina (2016)
In: Politische Ökologie, 147
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Glaab, Katharina; Fuchs, Doris (2015)
In: Partzsch, Lena; Weiland, Sabine (eds.), Macht und Wandel in der Umweltpolitik . Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Fuchs, Doris; Glaab, Katharina (2014)
In: Feske, Susanne; Antonczyk, Erik; Oerding, Simon (eds.), Einführung in die Internationalen Beziehungen. Ein Lehrbuch. Oplade: Verlag Barbara Budrich.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Show all publications


Duration: 01/11/2012 - 31/12/2018 | 1st Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Cluster of Excellence
Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted at University of Münster
Duration: 01/06/2012 - 31/07/2012
Funded by: Fritz Thyssen Foundation - Support of Conferences
Type of project: Scientific Event


Best Paper Award
Awarded by: ISA Section International Political Sociology
Award given to: Engelkamp, Stephan; Glaab, Katharina
Announced at: 18/02/2015 | Date of awarding: 15/02/2015
Type of distinction: Best publication award
Scholarship for a research stay at Tsinghua University, Beijing and Jawaharlal Nehru University, New-Delhi
Awarded by: DAAD
Award given to: Glaab, Katharina
Announced at: 15/09/2010
Type of distinction: Scholarship


Hegemonic Practices - The Political Economy of Agricultural Biotechnology in China and India
Candidate: Glaab, Katharina | Supervisors: Fuchs, Doris; Lederer, Markus; Feske, Susanne
Period of time: 01/08/2008 - 28/02/2014
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster