Jonas Lennard Becker-Kupczok

Current affiliations

  • Professorship for practical comuter science


Becker-Kupczok, Jonas; Herber, Paula (2025)
In: A., Madeira; A., Knapp (eds.), Software Engineering and Formal Methods. SEFM 2024. Cham: Springer.
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
Becker-Kupczok, Jonas; Herber, Paula (2024)
In: Margaria, Tiziana; Steffen, Bernhard (eds.), Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Software Engineering Methodologies - 12th International Symposium, ISoLA 2024, Crete, Greece, October 27…. Cham: Springer.
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)