Profile picture of  Arved Fenner

Arved Fenner, M.Sc.

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Regulation of banks

Academic Education

2015 - 2017Master's degree in Business Studies with Major Finance and Minor Research at the University of Muenster
2011 - 2015Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with Major Financial Management and Financial Services at the University of Applied Sciences Wismar

Work Experience

since 2018Research Assistant at the Institute of Banking and Credit at the University of Muenster


Fenner, Arved; Vollmar, Steffen (2023)
In: Journal of Credit Risk, 19(4)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Klein, Philipp; Pfingsten, Andreas; Fenner, Arved; Nitschke, Alexander; Voshardt, Yannick (2022)
Münster: (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Project report


Digging into the Black Box of Portfolio Replenishment in Securitization: Evidence from the ABS Loan-Level Initiative.
Arved Fenner (03/01/2020)
the International Banking, Economics, and Finance Association (IBEFA), Marriott Marquis & Marina, San Diego, USA
Type of talk: scientific talk
Digging into the Black Box of Portfolio Replenishment in Securitization: Evidence from the ABS Loan-Level Initiative.
Arved Fenner (18/12/2019)
Australasian Finance & Banking Conference, UNSW Business School, Sydney, Australien
Type of talk: scientific talk
Digging into the Black Box of Portfolio Replenishment in Securitization: Evidence from the ABS Loan-Level Initiative.
Arved Fenner (13/12/2019)
Sydney Banking and Financial Stability Conference , University of Sydney Business School, Sydney, Australien
Type of talk: scientific talk
Digging into the Black Box of Portfolio Replenishment in Securitization: Evidence from the ABS Loan-Level Initiative.
Arved Fenner (08/11/2019)
Banken-Forschungsworkshop, Institut für Kreditwesen - WWU Münster, Münster, Deutschland
Type of talk: scientific talk
Digging into the black box of portfolio replenishment in securitization: Evidence from the ABS loan-level initiative.
Arved Fenner (09/07/2019)
Banking Summer School, Barcelona GSE, Barcelona, Spain
Type of talk: scientific talk