Profile picture of Dr. Matthias Nienaber

Dr. Matthias Nienaber

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • International Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Comparability, Empirical Accounting Research
  • Thema für Projektabschlussarbeit: Nachhaltigkeitsinformationen in der Managementberichterstattung – Nationale und internationale Vorschriften
  • Thema für Projektabschlussarbeit: Forward-looking disclosures in management reports across European countries

Academic Education

since 2014PhD studies at the Chair International Accounting
2014Graduated as Master of Science in Business Management
2012 - 2014Master Studies of Business Administration at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
2013Semester abroad at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia
2012Graduated as Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
2009 - 2012Bachelor Studies of Business Administration at Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Münster School of Business and Economics), Germany
2007Abitur (university entrance qualification) at the St-Georg-Gymnasium, Bocholt

Work Experience

since 2016Teacher Industrie und Handelskammer (IHK) Nord Westfalen
since 2015Teacher Accounting School Bochum Münster (ASBM)
since 2014Researche Assistant at the Chair of International Accounting
01/2014 - 08/2014Student research assistant at the Chair of International Accounting, Münster, Germany
11/2009 - 12/2012Student research assistant at the Münster Institute of Accounting and Taxation, Germany
07/2012 - 10/2012Elster Solutions, Raleigh, NC, USA – Controlling
04/2012 - 05/2012BASF Coatings GmbH, Münster – Financial Controlling
03/2011 - 04/2011Dr. Schumacher und Partner, Münster - Auditing
2007 - 2008Zivildienst beim Deutschen Roten Kreuz, Bocholt


Nienaber M (2019)
(no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Book (monograph)
Kajüter P, Nienhaus M, Nienaber M (2017)
In: WPg, 17(14)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)


Nominated for: Finalist KPMG International Case Competition 2012/2013 in Madrid
Announced by: KPMG
Nominees: Nienaber, Matthias; Peters, Daniela; Ganßauge, Malte; Schulz, Alexander
Announced at: 15/04/2013 | Date of awarding: 15/04/2013
Type of distinction: Nomination for an award or distinction