Lukas Haneke

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.


Ghaur, Adjmal; Peschel, Christoph; Dienwiebel, Iris; Haneke, Lukas; Du, Leilei; Profanter, Laurin; Gómez Martín, Aurora; Winter, Martin; Nowak, Sascha; Placke, Tobias (2023)
In: Advanced Energy Materials, 13(26)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Ghaur, Adjmal; Peschel, Christoph; Dienwiebel, Iris; Haneke, Lukas; Du, Leilei; Profanter, Laurin; Gómez Martín, Aurora; Winter, Martin; Nowak, Sascha; Placke, Tobias (2023)
In: Advanced Energy Materials, 13(26)
Type of Publication: Non-scientific contribution (journal)
Kolesnikov, Aleksei; Profanter, Laurin; Lee, Ilha; Winter, Martin; Johannes, Kasnatscheew (2023)
In: 244th ECS Meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Type of Publication: Abstract in digital collection (conference)
Klein, Sven; Haneke, Lukas; Harte, Patrick; Stolz, Lukas; van Wickeren, Stefan; Borzutzki, Kristina; Nowak, Sascha; Winter, Martin; Placke, Tobias; Kasnatscheew, Johannes (2022)
In: ChemElectroChem, 9(13)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Wrogemann, Jens Matthies; Haneke, Lukas; Ramireddy, Thrinathreddy; Frerichs, Joop Enno; Sultana, Irin; Chen, Ying Ian; Brink, Frank; Hansen, Michael Ryan; Winter, Martin; Glushenkov, Alexey M; Placke, Tobias (2022)
In: Advanced Science, 9(20)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
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Pre-Lithiation of Silicon-Based Anode Materials: Concepts and Realization
Kolesnikov, Aleksei; Profanter, Laurin; Lee, Ilha, Haneke, Lukas; Winter, Martin; Kasnatscheew, Johannes (08/10/2023)
244th ECS Meeting, Gothenburg
Type of talk: scientific talk


Interface Design Strategies for Rechargeable Batteries
Candidate: Haneke, Lukas | Supervisors: Winter, Martin; Brunklaus, Gunther
Period of time: 01/05/2019 - 30/04/2022
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster