Zeige 1 bis 8 von 8 Ergebnissen
Teaching and learning democracy in peace and conflict research - didactic responses to societal challenges Pastoors, Daniela ; Tekath, Miriam (20/03/2025) Zwischen Fake News, Demokratiefeindlichkeit und Wissenschaftsskepsis: Welche Konzepte und Praxis braucht die Friedens-…, Landau Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Active Hope / Work, that reconnects Pastoors, Daniela (16/12/2024) Resilienz & Active Hope: Zum Umgang mit der Klimakrise, Münster Type of talk: practical talk | |
Peace work as shaping socio-ecological transformation - On the connection between internal and external peace work Pastoors, Daniela (26/11/2024) Talking about peace - Veranstaltungsreihe Friedensgespräche, online Type of talk: practical talk | |
Teaching and learning democracy - questions, needs, concerns Pastoors, Daniela (07/11/2024) Demokratie lehren und lernen - Jahrestagung des AFK-AK Curriculum und Didaktik 2024, Kleve Type of talk: practical talk | |
Education for Sustainable Development: Implementing Teaching Innovations for Ulysseus Pastoors, Daniela (29/10/2024) Navigating Pathways to a Sustainable Future, Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
New Skills for Better Decisions: Importance of Didactic Innovations for Future Professionals Pastoors, Daniela (17/10/2024) Conference: Didactic Innovations in Peace and Conflict Research, Gießen Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Wohin mit Angst, Wut und Verzweiflung? Polykrise und psychische Gesundheit Pastoors, Daniela (10/10/2024) Resilienz & Active Hope: Zum Umgang mit der Klimakrise, online Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Connecting inner & outer peace work with future – Supporting peace and conflict workers to support conflict transformation Pastoors, Daniela (27/07/2024) IIPE 2024: The Pedagogy and Peace Politics of Change: Navigating the Tensions Between Tradition and Modernity, Nagarkort Type of talk: scientific talk |