Zeige 1 bis 10 von 29 Ergebnissen
Exploring the active and passive dimension of subtitling in L3-Dutch teaching for German schools and its impact on incidental vocabulary acquisition in… Urbanek, Lukas (03/07/2024) EuroSLA 33 (European Second Language Association), Montpellier Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Passief kijken versus actief maken en het potentieel voor incidentele woordenschatverwerving – De casus ‘filmondertiteling’ in het Duitse NVT-onderwijs Urbanek, Lukas (23/03/2024) Colloquium voor doctorandi en habilitandi van de Neerlandistiek in de Duitstalige landen (DoHa) 2024, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The impact of “Subtitles as a Support” and “Subtitling as a Task” on incidental vocabulary acquisition of L3-Dutch in German schools – Does involvement matter? Urbanek, Lukas (24/01/2024) LANSPAN Colloquium (Language and Literacy Development across the Life Span), University of Groningen, Groningen Type of talk: scientific talk | |
„Es war wirklich mal was Anderes!“ - Evaluation eines schulischen Untertitelungsprojektes mit deutschen Niederländischlernenden zur Förderung von… Urbanek, Lukas (27/09/2023) 30. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der DGFF (Thema: „Grenzen – Grenzräume – Entgrenzungen“), Pädagogische Hochschule, Freiburg im Breisgau Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Language mediation and vocabulary enhancement through active subtitling - Insights into a L2-Dutch language learning project at German schools Urbanek, Lukas (31/08/2023) EuroSLA 32, Birmingham Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Watching a short film like the Dutchmen - The effects of different subtitling modes on vocabulary acquisition and content comprehension among learners of L3… Urbanek, Lukas (18/07/2023) AILA World Congress 2023 - Diversity and social cohesion in a globalized world: moving towards more engaged language…, Lyon Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Evaluating a subtitling activity with German L2-Dutch learners to promote language mediation and vocabulary development Urbanek, Lukas (23/03/2023) TRADIT23: 1st International Conference on Didactic Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Audiovisuele vertaling in de spotlight – Hoe kan filmondertiteling betekenisvol in de les worden geïmplementeerd? Urbanek, Lukas (06/03/2023) 11. Kolloquium der Fachvereinigung Niederländisch - 'Nederlands - de school uit, de wereld in', Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Mündlichkeit und Wortschatzarbeit in der Sek. 1 – Wie lässt sich dies motivierend vereinen? Poschen, Lilou; Urbanek, Lukas (01/03/2023) Workshop im Rahmen der Lehrerfortbildung "11. Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen" unter dem Motto: "Wortschatzarbeit" (Forum…, Universität Münster, Münster Type of talk: practical talk | |
Films in de spotlights - Het Nederlands als doeltaal benaderen met behulp van audiovisuele media Urbanek, Lukas (23/09/2022) Beitrag im Rahmen der Veranstaltung "In dialoog! Bijeenkomst voor universitaire docenten NVT uit Europa", Universität Wien, Wien Type of talk: practical talk |