Zeige 1 bis 10 von 10 Ergebnissen
Who Does (Not) Want to Engage in Internal Social Media? Employees' Segmentation in Different User Types Löffler, Natascha; Ecklebe, Sarah (07/10/2021) EUPRERA Annual Congress. The Camino of strategic communication: (re)discovering the human element in public relations…, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spanien Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The automation of strategic communication: Transparent labeling vs. trustworthiness? Löffler, Natascha; Röttger, Ulrike; Wiencierz, Christian (07/09/2021) 8. Jahrestagung der European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Braga Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Parties' Trust in Big Data Technology for Political Micro-Targeting: A Qualitative Analysis Löffler, Natascha (28/05/2021) 71st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Denver Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The Impact of the Employer's Perceived Trustworthiness on Supportive Behavioral Intention During the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Role of Internal… Löffler, Natascha; Ecklebe, Sarah; Dudenhausen, Anna; Röttger, Ulrike (28/05/2021) 71st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Denver Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Micro-Targeting in social networks: An empirical analysis of parties' trust in big data technologies and data analysis Löffler, Natascha (08/04/2021) DACH21: #Kommunikation #(R)Evolution - Zum Wandel der Kommunikation in der digitalen Gesellschaft. Dreiländertagung für…, Zürich Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Informiert durch die Corona-Pandemie? Eine quantitative Befragung zur
Wahrnehmung der Mitarbeiterkommunikation in Zeiten von Covid-19 Löffler, Natascha; Ecklebe, Sarah; Dudenhausen, Anna; Röttger, Ulrike; Wiencierz, Christian (30/10/2020) Aktuelle Forschung zu Public Relations und Organisationskommunikation, Webkonferenz der DGPuK-Fachgruppe PR-/Organisationskommunikation 29. – 30. Oktober 2020 Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Effects of Automated Communication and Transparency in PR on Trust in Organizations Löffler, Natascha; Röttger, Ulrike (05/07/2019) Bledcom. 26th International Public Relations Research Symposium 2019 on Trust and Reputation, Bled Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Trust in Data- and Algorithm-based Strategic Communication Löffler, Natascha (24/05/2019) Pre-Conference of the Public Relations Division at the 69th ICA Annual Conference, Washington D.C. Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Social Bots als Herausforderung für die strategische Kommunikation politischer Organisationen Löffler, Natascha (10/05/2019) Integration durch Kommunikation in digitalisierten Öffentlichkeiten | 64. Jahrestagung der DGPuK, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Social Bots als digitales Phänomen: Reaktionen von politischen Organisationen Löffler, Natascha (09/02/2019) Die digitalisierte Demokratie – Politik und Kommunikation zwischen Daten, Netzwerken und Algorithmen, Universität Duisburg-Essen Type of talk: scientific talk |