Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Period of time: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2022
Status: completed
Candidate: Mc Candless, Jonas Bastian Vedersø
Doctoral subject: Mathematik
Doctoral degree: Dr. rer. nat.
Form of the doctoral thesis: monographic
Awarded by: Department 10 - Mathematics and Computer Science
Supervisors: Nikolaus, Thomas
Reviewers: Nikolaus, Thomas
main object of study in this thesis is topological restriction homology (TR)
which arises in the study of algebraic K-theory through the cyclotomic trace
map to topological cyclic homology.
we construct TR in the formalism of Nikolaus—Scholze as a functor from
cyclotomic spectra to spectra with Frobenius lifts by a suitable
corepresentability formula inspired by work of Blumberg—Mandell. We prove that
this construction agrees with the classical construction of TR as facilitated
through genuine equivariant stable homotopy theory on bounded below cyclotomic
spectra. As a consequence, we obtain a formula for TR in terms of Bloch’s
spectrum of curves on algebraic K-theory generalizing work of Hesselholt and
we introduce the notion of a polygonic spectrum which is a variant of the
notion of a cyclotomic spectrum designed to capture the structure on
topological Hochschild homology with coefficients. We define TR as a functor
from polygonic spectra to spectra and prove that this construction agrees with
the previously considered one for every cyclotomic spectrum regarded as a
polygonic spectrum. We construct Verschiebung and Frobenius maps on TR of a
polygonic spectrum and prove that these exhibit TR as the fixedpoints for a
genuine action of the profinite integers on TR. Finally, inspired by the work
of Kaledin, we construct the polygonic structure on topological Hochschild
homology with coefficients by studying THH as a trace theory on a
combinatorially defined category of cyclic graphs labelled by rings and