Effekt unipolarer radiochirurgischer Energieapplikation auf die Extrazellulärmatrix von Sehnen am Beispiel der Sehne des porcinen Musculus flexor digitalis superficialis

Basic data of the doctoral examination procedure

Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Period of timeto 01/12/2015
CandidateGehlhaar, Ingrid
Doctoral subjectMedizin
Doctoral degreeDr. med. dent.
Awarded byDepartment 05 - Faculty of Medicine
SupervisorsWeimann, Andre; Rosenbaum, Dieter

Supervision at the University of Münster

Rosenbaum, Dieter
Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine (IMM)
Weimann, Andre
Clinic for Accident, Hand- and Reconstructive Surgery