Relationships between productivity, land-use intensity and plant species richness in agricultural grasslands

Basic data of the doctoral examination procedure

Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Period of time01/05/2009 - 13/07/2012
CandidateKlaus, Valentin
Doctoral subjectLandschaftsökologie
Doctoral degreeDr. rer. nat.
Awarded byDepartment 14 - Geosciences
SupervisorsHölzel, Norbert; Diekmann, Martin

Promovend*in an der Universität Münster

Klaus, Valentin
Professorship for Ecosystem Research (Prof. Hölzel)

Supervision at the University of Münster

Hölzel, Norbert
Professorship for Ecosystem Research (Prof. Hölzel)

Projects in which the doctoral examination procedure takes/took place

Duration: 09/02/2011 - 08/01/2014 | 2nd Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Priority Programme
Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted outside University of Münster
Duration: 01/03/2009 - 28/02/2011 | 1st Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Priority Programme
Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted outside University of Münster

Publications resulting from doctoral examination procedure

Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Prati D, Gossner MM, Alt F, Boch S, Gockel S, Hemp A, Lange M, Muller J, Oelmann Y, Pasalic E, Renner SC, Socher SA, Turke M, Weisser WW, Fischer M, Hölzel N (2013)
In: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 177
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Klaus VH, Hölzel N, Boch S, Müller J, Socher SA, Prati D, Fischer M, Kleinebecker T (2013)
In: Preslia, 85
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Boch S, Müller J, Socher SA, Prati D, Fischer M, Hölzel N (2012)
In: Ecological Indicators, 14(1)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Müller J, Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Prati D, Hölzel N, Fischer M (2012)
In: PloS one, 7(12)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Hölzel N, Blüthgen N, Boch S, Müller J, Socher SA, Prati D, Fischer M (2011)
In: Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 13(4)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)