Makro- und mikrostrukturelle Veränderungen zerebraler Strukturen bei Patienten mit Temporallappenepilepsie unbekannter Ursache und Patienten mit juveniler myoklonischer Epilepsie

Basic data of the doctoral examination procedure

Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Period of time16/04/2016 - 13/02/2017
CandidateAhrens, Tobias
Doctoral subjectMedizin
Doctoral degreeDr. med.
Awarded byDepartment 05 - Faculty of Medicine
SupervisorsDeppe, Michael; Kurlemann, Gerhard

Supervision at the University of Münster

Deppe, Michael
Department for Neurology
Kurlemann, Gerhard
University Children's Hospital - Department for General Paediatrics