Human Capital and Asset Pricing

Basic data of the doctoral examination procedure

Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Period of time01/09/2014 - 31/12/2018
CandidateGößling, Fabian
Doctoral subjectVolkswirtschaftslehre
Doctoral degreeDr. rer. pol.
Awarded byDepartment 04 - Münster School of Business and Economics
SupervisorsBranger, Nicole; Trede, Mark

Promovend*in an der Universität Münster

Gößling, Fabian
Institute of Econometrics and Economic Statistics

Supervision at the University of Münster

Branger, Nicole
Chair of Derivatives and Financial Engineering (Prof. Branger)
Trede, Mark
Professur für VWL, Ökonometrie/Wirtschaftsstatistik (Prof. Trede)