Synthese und Charakterisierung ternärer intermetallischer Lithiumverbindungen sowie Mößbauer-spektroskopische Untersuchungen an Verbindungen mit den Kernen 57Fe, 119Sn und 121Sb

Basic data of the doctoral examination procedure

Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Period of time01/02/2011 - 11/07/2014
CandidateWinter, Florian
Doctoral subjectChemie
Doctoral degreeDr. rer. nat.
Awarded byDepartment 12 - Chemistry and Pharmacy
SupervisorsPöttgen, Rainer

Promovend*in an der Universität Münster

Winter, Florian
Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Supervision at the University of Münster

Pöttgen, Rainer
Professorship of Inorganic Chemistry (Prof. Pöttgen)