The German Research Core Data Set (KDSF) - Updates and extended data model

Grunddaten zum Vortrag

Art des Vortragspraxisorientierter Vortrag
Name der VortragendenHerwig, Sebastian, Biesenbender, Sophie
Datum des Vortrags29.05.2019
URL zu den Präsentationsfolien

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Name der VeranstaltungSpring 2019 euroCRIS Membership Meeting
Zeitraum der Veranstaltung27.05.2019 - 29.05.2019
Ort der VeranstaltungCSC, Espoo-Helsinki, Finland
Webseite der Veranstaltung
Veranstaltet voneuroCRIS


The German science and higher education system is characterized by federalism, multi-level governance and interwoven regulatory competences of different levels of government. Establishing binding standards and harmonized policies for German higher education institutions and non-university research institutions is a complex task that requires concerted action and co-operation between the federal and state governments. This talk is intended to provide insights from the specification of the German KDSF – the core data set research. Particular emphasis is on the support structures currently in place to facilitate the dissemination and implementation of the KDSF in the federal and multi-level governed German science system as well as the plans for future development perspectives of the standard.
StichwörterFIS; Kerndatensatz Forschung; KDSF; Standard; Forschungsberichterstattung; Forschungsinformationen

Vortragende der Universität Münster

Herwig, Sebastian
Dez. 6 Abt. 6.4 Forschungsinformationen und Forschungsberichterstattung