Quantum fields on noncommutative geometries
Grunddaten zum Vortrag
Art des Vortrags: wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
Name der Vortragenden: Wulkenhaar, Raimar
Datum des Vortrags: 03.04.2024
Vortragssprache: Englisch
Informationen zur Veranstaltung
Name der Veranstaltung: North Atlantic Noncommutative Geometry Seminar
Zeitraum der Veranstaltung: 03.04.2024
Ort der Veranstaltung: Warsaw
Veranstaltet von: University of Warsaw
Quantum field theories (QFT) in four dimensions tend to be trivial or difficult, and often both. QFT on noncommutative geometries provide new examples to explore. They are not admissible examples in the strict sense of axioms, but they share very similar challenges such as renormalisation and a construction of products of distributions. Whenever there is a finite-dimensional approximation of quantum spaces in terms of matrices, QFT on noncommutative geometries come with a topological grading by the Euler characteristic of a Riemann surface. We give examples where the formal expansion in the Euler characteristic, together with topological recursion, permit us to obtain exact solutions for noncommutative QFT-models. To end with, we will also discuss how the above topological expansion relates to questions in free probability.
Stichwörter: quantum field theory; noncommutative geometry; topological recursion; free probability
Vortragende der Universität Münster