High-yield placement of colloidal quantum dot single-photon sources on nanophotonic chips

Spiekermann, Tobias; Eich, Alexander; Gehring, Helge; Sommer, Lisa; Bankwitz, Julian; Pernice, Wolfram; Schuck, Carsten

Poster | Peer reviewed


Integrated photonics benefits many quantum technology applications because it allows for replicating crucial circuit components with high yield and high reproducibility. While the integration of single-photon sources with nanophotonic devices has recently been achieved [1], extending the approach to larger numbers of independently controllable emitters has remained challenging. Here we introduce an iterative procedure for site-selective placement of individual colloidal quantum dots (CQD) that provides means for embedding single-photon sources with high yield into photonic integrated circuits at wafer-scale. We lithographically pattern arrays of apertures in polymer thin films, apply CQDs in solution to the sample and remove excess emitters in a lift-off process. We assess emitter placement at aperture positions via confocal microscopy and repeat the process with a modified lithography mask that only contains aperture locations which had remained vacant. This iterative procedure quickly converges towards high-yield and we confirm single-photon emission from predefined sites by recording second-order autocorrelation functions. We further passivate CQD-sites employing atomic layer deposition of alumina (Al2O3), which benefits the emitters photostability.

Details zur Publikation

ArtikelnummerQ 41.12
KonferenzDPG Springmeeting 2022, Erlangen, Deutschland
Link zum Volltexthttps://www.dpg-verhandlungen.de/year/2022/conference/erlangen/part/q/session/41/contribution/12
StichwörterIntegrated photonics; single-photon sources; nanophotonic devices;colloidal quantum dots;

Autor*innen der Universität Münster

Bankwitz, Julian Rasmus
Physikalisches Institut (PI)
Eich, Alexander
Professur für Experimentelle Physik (Prof. Schuck)
Gehring, Helge
Professur für Experimentalphysik mit der Ausrichtung Physik responsiver Nanosysteme (Prof. Pernice)
Pernice, Wolfram
Professur für Experimentalphysik mit der Ausrichtung Physik responsiver Nanosysteme (Prof. Pernice)
Schuck, Carsten
Professur für Experimentelle Physik (Prof. Schuck)
Sommer, Lisa
Professur für Experimentelle Physik (Prof. Schuck)
Spiekermann, Tobias Christian
Physikalisches Institut (PI)