Kleybolte, Franziska
Webpublikation (Blogbeitrag) | Peer reviewedThe conversion of sacred space by members of another religion is a phenomenon that runs through history and can also be traced again and again for the Iberian Peninsula since Visigothic times and through various parties. The structural conversion of synagogues into churches, however, did not occur until the end of the 14th century. During this period, the situation for the Jewish communities in Sefarad deteriorated seriously in many places. This is also reflected in the politics that the synagogues experienced and which now became increasingly victims of various forms of Christian appropriation (destruction, conversion, Christian sermons in the synagogue). Here, as it is argued, the Christian authorities targeted the institutional and symbolic function and significance of the synagogue.
Kleybolte, Franziska | Exzellenzcluster 2060 - Religion und Politik. Dynamiken von Tradition und Innovation |